
Recall: Brutus & Barnaby Pig Ear Treats for Dogs


From the WebMD Archives photo of pig ear package

August 29, 2019 — All package sizes of Brutus & Barnaby pig ear treats for dogs have been recalled due to possible salmonella contamination, the Florida-based company says.

The 8-, 12-, 25- and 110-count packages are labeled “Pig Ears 100% Natural Treats for Dogs” and were sold online across the U.S. through,,, and also sold at the Natures Food Patch store in Clearwater, Florida.

Dogs that eat the treats and people who handle them could be at risk for salmonella infection. Consumers who bought the treats should destroy them and contact the place of purchase for a full refund, Brutus & Barnaby said.

For more information, contact the company at 1-800-489-0970.

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