
A New Study Says You and Your Dog Probably Have the Same Personality


From zodiac signs to Myer-Briggs personality types and the Enneagram test, there are endless methods to analyze what personality traits we embody the most. But, did you know there may be an even simpler way to figure out your most dominant personality traits?

Look no further than to your dog.

According to a new study, researchers found that pets and their owners are far more alike than they may realize. Read on to find out what the study found.

How was the study conducted?

Researchers from the Kennel Club in the U.K. studied 16 popular dog breeds and more than 1,500 of their past and present owners. Then, the dog breeds were sorted by five core personality traits. Traits like openness, extroversion, agreeableness and emotional stability were among the traits examined. From there, the study revealed how alike owners and their pups really are.

What did the study find?

The findings showed that dog owners typically chose pups whose personality traits matched their own subconsciously.

Positive and happy individuals often flocked to lovable and giddy golden retrievers. People who “had strong organizational skills” and were strong rule followers tended to pick miniature schnauzers—a breed known for their easy trainability. For those who have many interests or hobbies and love new experiences and risk-taking, whippets were their go-to canine.

Owners who identified as extroverted and agreeable tended to pick Pomeranians. Last but not least, owners who identified as friendly and affectionate often picked Staffordshire bull terriers or Jack Russell terriers.

“It appears that we can often tell a lot about a person from the type of dog they own,” Bill Lambert, a spokesperson for the Kennel Club, said. “It is quite striking to see how many people unconsciously select dog breeds with personalities that match their own character.”

Are dog owners happy with their dogs?

The subconscious bias that draws us to our canine picks, however, leads to an overwhelming majority of dog owners feeling content with their pups. Eighty-eight percent of owners who researched their breed before getting their dog felt that their dog was “a perfect match” for their lifestyle.

And while we unconsciously flock to dogs that mirror us, Sixty-three percent of owners still feel that they “follow their hearts” when choosing their beloved new family members.


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  • Kennel Club: Curious Cocker Spaniel and loyal Jack Russell owners: Research reveals what dog breed choices says about an owner
  • “You and Your Dog Probably Have the Same Personality, New Research Shows“
  • “People select their dogs according to their own personality“

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