
Preventing a House Flea Infestation From Your Dog & Cat


A flea infestation can be a major pain. Not only are they bothersome to your pet, but an infestation can take weeks, and sometimes even months, to get under control. Fortunately, with the right preventative measures, the only pet you have to worry about getting into your home is your own furry friend. By following the steps below, you can keep your home free of fleas.

1. Treat Your Pet

Fleas are brought into your home from the outdoors. Adult fleas can easily jump onto the back of your cat or dog. Because fleas are so small, it can be hard to tell if your dog or cat has them. You should use a flea comb to go through your pet’s coat just to be sure. Just one or two fleas on your dog should be treated seriously. Before treating your cat or dog with flea products yourself, consult your veterinarian. He or she knows your pet’s current health and medical history and will be able to determine the best course of action for your pet. It could also be useful to learn exactly how to safely remove ticks from your cat or dog.

2. Keep Your Home Clean

Practicing cleanliness is a good way to deter fleas. The more thorough you are with your cleaning efforts, the better protected your house will be. “When you vacuum, don’t just cover the center of the room. Fleas avoid high-traffic areas, so be sure to hit baseboards, under furniture, under cushions, and anywhere your pets sleep or spend time. This can eliminate 30% of larvae and 60% of flea eggs, according to the AgriLife Extension Service of Texas A&M University“ (WebMD). In addition to keeping your home clean, keep your pet’s belongings clean as well. This means washing toys, bedding, and crates to kill flea eggs and larvae.

3. Maintain Your Yard

If you have a yard, there are a few things you can do to make your property less attractive to fleas. First, you can keep your yard, trees and any shrubbery maintained and trimmed. This is important because it eliminates where fleas hide. Next, you need to prevent any carriers, such as raccoons, feral cats, and other wildlife from wanting to explore your yard. One way to discourage them from entering your yard is to make sure any outdoor trash is well sealed and to bring in outside pet bowls. Lastly, make sure any entry points leading into your home are sealed. By sealing off your attic, garage, crawl spaces, and any other areas connected to your home, you can eliminate the chances of a wild animal carrying fleas nesting and increasing the chances of transferring fleas.

Keeping your pet and house protected from fleas may require a little effort, but it is well worth it. Getting ahead of a flea problem is much easier than dealing with an established infestation. Make your home unattractive to fleas so you and your loved ones can live in comfort.

  1. Eckstein, Sandy. “How to Keep Fleas and Ticks Out of Your Home.” WebMD, WebMD,
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