
This Could Be Why 9 Beloved Dog Breeds Will Never Win Westminster


Since 1877, the Westminster Kennel Club has hosted an annual dog show, awarding the top dog with the coveted Best in Show title. Every year, esteemed judges gather to determine which dog will win this honor. While the exact name of the winning dog may be different every year, some things don’t change—like the fact that there are many dog breeds that never win. So, why do beloved breeds such as the Golden Retriever and French Bulldog always get the short end of the stick? Here are some theories.

Dog breeds that have never won Westminster

When you think about “the American dog,” an image of a Golden Retriever is likely the first thing that pops into your head. This breed fits the ideal suburban family model (complete with a white picket fence), but interestingly it has never taken Best in Show at Westminster. Neither have popular dog breeds such as the Chihuahua, Great Dane, French Bulldog, Shih Tzu, Rottweiler, Miniature Schnauzer, Labrador Retriever, Dachshund, and others, according to the American Kennel Club.

Dog breeds that frequently win Westminster

While some dog breeds never win, there are a handful of others that always seem to win. PetMD notes that Terriers and Spaniels win frequently, as do Poodles and Boxers. Terriers nabbed five out of the top 10 spots for breeds with the most wins, and the Wire Fox Terrier, in particular, has won Best in Show a whopping 15 times as of 2019. Check out these 13 other facts about the Westminster Dog Show.

What a judge wants to see

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