
How To Care for Your New Kitten


Supplies You’ll Need For Your New Kitten:

  • AvoDerm premium kitten food
  • Food & water bowls
  • Identification tags and collar
  • Cat carrier
  • Safe toys
  • A place to sleep
  • Scratching post
  • Litter box and litter
  • Nail clippers
  • Brush or comb
  • Stain remover for accidents & spills

Feeding Your New Kitten

Your brand new kitten is just like a newborn baby adjusting to a new home! The environment will be different and your kitten will be surrounded by new faces and voices. This is all a bit overwhelming, so make sure that your kitten has quiet time to rest and adjust.

Much has been learned about kitten nutrition and we know that, just as with people, healthy foods promote longer, healthier lives. We suggest feeding AvoDerm® premium dry kitten food, 2-3 times per day.

Using a Litter Box

By the time you bring your kitten home, she should be litter box trained. Most cats are and if they aren’t then they can be very quickly. Once you bring your kitten home, place her in her litter box. Take her little front paws and gently have her scratch the litter. Once she catches on, praise her for doing a good job. If an accident were to happen, take her right over to the litter box. Do not hit or raise your voice at her.

Picking Up Your New Kitten

It is important that kittens and cats are picked up correctly. Begin by placing one hand under the chest, just behind the front legs. Place the other hand on the rear of your cat. For a firm and secure hold you can bring your kitten close to your body. Never pick your kitten up by the skin on the back of her neck.

Safe Toys

Kittens love to play! Make sure that you give her safe and fun toys. Just like a small child, make sure the toys contain no sharp edges or small objects that can be swallowed. The more the toy bounces the better!


Your kitten may become homesick at first and wake up meowing during the night. If this happens, gently pick up your kitten and stroke her head. If she continues, try these helpful tips:

  • Put a ticking clock next to her bed. This will remind her of her mother’s heartbeat.
  • Put a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel next to her bed. This can remind her of her siblings.

Your New Kitten’s Health

Just as children pick up illnesses from other children, kittens can pick up colds, coughs, and illnesses from other kittens. Serious illness can usually be prevented by vaccine, but always report symptoms such as the following to your vet.

  • Diarrhea
  • Ear and Eye Infections
  • Yellow or Brown Teeth
  • External Parasites
  • Vomiting
  • Hairballs
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Sudden Weight Loss or Gain
  • Drooling
  • Fur Loss
  • Dull Coat
  • Change in Skin Condition
  • Blood in Urine or Stool

It is important for your kitten’s health and well-being that you visit a veterinarian for a check-up within the first few days. Preventative care and vaccinations greatly improve the quality of your kitten’s life. After your kitten’s initial shots, annual check-ups are suggested for good health.

Traveling with Your Kitten

Most kittens and cats do not like to travel. When you are traveling with your kitten, remember to always keep them in a crate or corrugated cardboard carrier. Make sure that there are holes for your kitten to get air. It is best to keep the air conditioning running when you have your kitten in the car. Never travel with you kitten loose in your car. This can be a serious driving hazard for both of you. Cats do not stay in one spot like a dog and will roam the car freely if given the chance.

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