
Watch This Rescuer Climb Up To Save ‘Fat Cat,’ Who Was Stuck 45 Feet Above Ground


Watch This Rescuer Climb Up To Save ‘Fat Cat,’ Who Was Stuck 45 Feet Above Ground

Lost cats are often nearby—hopefully not that high up, though. By Austin Cannon October 18, 2022 Advertisement Pin FB More Tweet Email Send Text Message Print chunky cat stuck in tree
chunky cat stuck in tree Credit: Courtesy of getmeowttahere / TikTok

Going out on a (literal) limb dozens of feet above the ground is not how I'd ever spend my free time. Thankfully, Duane Hook has no problem doing that. 

He saves cats who become stranded up in trees, including "Fat Cat," a 25-pounder who was stuck 45 feet up a tree in Ohio earlier this month. He recorded the queasy rescue—look, I don't like heights—and posted it to TikTok.

Fat Cat had been up there for four days and was unwilling or unsure how to descend back to safety, Hook told Newsweek. Up he went. 

RELATED: Meet Normer Adams, the Hero Tree Climber Behind 'Cat Man Do' Cat Rescue in Georgia

The Thicc King was decidedly not near the tree trunk and initially wouldn't walk over to Hook, so he had to gingerly side-step his way to the meowing Fat Cat. Thankfully, Hook's tasty treat finally coaxed him over. 

"Sometimes I will spend up to an hour in the tree waiting for the cat to get over their pride and/or fear of me," Hook told Newsweek. "Fat Cat was easy. He was ready for help."


This is when we truly see how high 45 feet off the ground is. Barrrrrfffffffff. Fat Cat enjoys some pets up there, but Hook—who does his rescues on his own time and dime—has to put him inside a bag to get him down. It's definitely not Fat Cat's favorite part of the rescue, but it gets him back down to safety and his family.   

Hook's video, posted to getmeowttahere on TikTok, has so far earned nearly 9 million views. 

And remember: If your cat goes missing, he's probably somewhere nearby—potentially up high someplace.

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