
Videos of This Dog and Her Lamb Best Friend Are What You Need Today


Videos of This Dog and Her Lamb Best Friend Are What You Need Today

When Beau’s mom rejected her, Max the dog stepped in and brought up the young lamb. By Austin Cannon October 12, 2022 Advertisement Pin FB More Tweet Email Send Text Message Print dog licking baby sheep in TikTok
dog licking baby sheep in TikTok Credit: Courtesy of oliviajaneakers / TikTok

I go to TikTok to laugh, not to experience heartfelt emotion. Yuck. But I will make an exception for the story of Beau and Max.

Olivia Jane Akers posted the video back in May, but I first watched it this week. It features the friendship of Beau, a young lamb, and a brown-and-white dog named Max. They live on a farm together, where little Beau, sadly, was rejected by her mom. That's how the video starts. 

But then she met Max, and it was "love at first sight." Max quickly claimed Beau as her kiddo and started to raise her. She protected the little lamb, cleaned her, and, of course, played with her. The video of them running around outside is particularly sweet. 

Who can't smile at a little lamb with a big dog? Jerks, that's who.


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They lived together until Beau grew enough to go live with the other sheep, but she still gets to see her adoptive mom each day—and it's still mind-breakingly adorable. You can see why people have watched the video almost 15 million times. 

Knowing we needed more, Akers posted another video of the two pals, showing how Beau developed her own doglike behaviors thanks to Max.


They're both delightful videos perfect for when you're having a bad day. If you're willing to fully go in on the emotions, check out how Max overcame a serious health scare before Beau arrived in her life.

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