
How Ava the Rottweiler and Blue the Emu Became Best Friends Who Love Zoomies


How Ava the Rottweiler and Blue the Emu Became Best Friends Who Love Zoomies

Name a more iconic duo. You can’t. By Jessica Banks September 08, 2022 Advertisement Pin FB More Tweet Email Send Text Message Print Rottweiler and emu together are best friends
Rottweiler and emu together are best friends Credit: Courtesy of Jennifer Walters

We've all seen unlikely friendships form in nature—the golden retriever and goose, the Chiweenie and the tortoise, the cheetah and the Labrador. But we have a new favorite duo: Ava the Rottweiler and Blue the emu, who absolutely delight us on TikTok.

They met when their owner, Jennifer Walters, co-founder of Gold Colt Rescue in Texas, brought baby Blue home. He'd been bought as an egg on eBay and needed to be rehomed when he was born. Walters picked him up and planned to look after the little emu in her home until he was big enough to join the other barnyard animals outside.

Was Walters worried about her young Rottweiler meeting a baby emu? Not at all—though of course, she was cautious as she introduced them.

"Ava is absolutely the most gentle animal there is, just the most loving dog," she tells Daily Paws. "And she loves babies—anything baby." Who doesn't?

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After keeping the two separated but able to see each other initially, Walters gave in to Ava's whining and let her meet the emu. Needless to say, she wasn't surprised when Ava licked Blue "from head to toe."

"She immediately adopted that bird," Walters says with a laugh. "Ava became obsessed with him."


The feeling was mutual. Blue seemingly imprinted on Ava—meaning Blue was essentially attached to Ava's hip and perhaps thought he was a dog for a while—and the rest is history.

They love taking walks and napping together, but most of their favorite activities involved running around the property, with Blue sprinting after Ava at every opportunity. Our favorite Blue and Ava activity to watch—on TikTok where the pair has attracted millions of views—is when Blue gets so excited, he gets the zoomies. It's just as cute and hilarious when an emu races around uncontrollably as when a dog does it!


Now that Blue is a bit bigger—at 2 years old, he's about 6 feet tall with what Walters describes as "velociraptor feet"—the two aren't together quite as much. But their bond is still unbreakable, and they spend as much time together as possible outside.


What's next for Blue and Ava? Not quite the big screen, but Walters does plan to keep documenting their adventures, both on TikTok and in the form of a children's book, which will highlight the pair's loving and chaotic friendship. We'll be the first in line!

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