
Watch This Rescue Puppy Unleash Her Extreme Excitement Over Her New Bed


Watch This Rescue Puppy Unleash Her Extreme Excitement Over Her New Bed

We all deserve a comfy spot to lay our head at the end of the day—fur babies included! Emily Schroeder Daily Paws Writer Photo
Emily Schroeder Daily Paws Writer Photo By Emily Schroeder August 12, 2022 Advertisement Pin FB More Tweet Email Send Text Message Print dog excited for his new bed tiktok
dog excited for his new bed tiktok Credit: Courtesy of hernerberner / TikTok

Adorable rescue puppy Mayvie reminds us to treasure the little things in life.

Her loving parents plucked the sweet rescue from a shelter last fall. After spending a few days with her new family, dog dad surprised Mayvie with her very own dog bed. The whole scene is absolutely adorable—trust me, you won't want to miss it.

In hernerberner's July 13 TikTok, Mayvie unleashes her excitement when she sees her new bed. Tail-wagging, tiny zoomies, even smushing her face into the new plush—you can almost feel her love and appreciation radiating through the screen. It's contagious!

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The caption reads: "Nothing beats Mayvie's reaction when she got her very first real dog bed. She is the sweetest purest pup."


As the 24-second video—which has amassed over 3.3 million views—comes to an end, Mayvie's affectionate dog dad says, "I've got something else in here," referring to a plastic shopping bag in his hands.

What's inside? According to the comments left by Mayvie's family, the thankful pup earned herself treats, toys, a new collar, and identification tags! Sounds like Mayvie is getting all she needs with her new family. Aren't rescue stories the best?

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Mayvie's humans say she's mostly a pit bull terrier and American bulldog mix. And if you are wondering if she still loves her bed, see for yourself. I think her puppy dog smile says it all!

"She brings so much joy to our lives," Mayvie's parents say. Something tells me the feelings are mutual.

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