
Hilarious Cat Visits the Beach, Hates It More Than Taking a Bath


Hilarious Cat Visits the Beach, Hates It More Than Taking a Bath

Pumpkin’s photos are perfect for your 2020 memes. madison-pincombe-headshot
madison-pincombe-headshot By Madison Pincombe November 03, 2020 Advertisement Pin FB More Tweet Email Send Text Message Print

Tia Stoddard and her daughter took their cats Pumpkin and Moustachio to the beach on Cape Sable Island in Nova Scotia back in March. She says Pumpkin was having tons of fun…that is, until the wind picked up. Stoddard took a six second video to capture the unusual faces the cat began to make, and the resulting images are INCREDIBLE.

cat making funny face from wind
cat making funny face from wind Credit: Courtesy of Tia Stoddard

Based on his sassy glare, Pumpkin looks ready to personally fight the wind. And who can blame the orange tabby?

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cat making funny face from wind
cat making funny face from wind Credit: Courtesy of Tia Stoddard

The poor guy was having a perfectly nice afternoon outdoors, when Mother Nature decided to surprise him with a brisk ocean breeze. It's enough to make any beach-goer cringe at the thought of basking in the warm sun only to have a blast of cold, salty air blow down your neck. No thanks.

cat making funny face from wind
cat making funny face from wind Credit: Courtesy of Tia Stoddard

We're with you, Pumpkin. And to make matters even worse, he had to try and hold it together for this impromptu photo session. Clearly, the feline was not ready for this close up! A windstorm is never the appropriate time for a video shoot. Just ask the Wicked Witch of the East. It didn't turn out too great for her either, Pumpkin.

Honestly, though—with Pumpkin’s hilarious expressions, the images were destined to be internet gold. And for anyone else living through all the craziness of this year, we have a feeling these photos are extremely relatable.

We have to be honest with you though, we don’t understand this one. Our friend looks amazing in both photos, maybe just a little worn for wear in #2. But 2020 will do that to you, Pump.

Same, Pumpkin, same. 

Before he became internet famous, Pumpkin was living a relatively normal kitty life in his native Nova Scotia. He joined his fur family in August of 2019, when Stoddard decided to foster a mom and four kittens from a local animal shelter. “We instantly fell in love with them all, but we just couldn’t let Pumpkin go,” Stoddard says. The Stoddards ended up adopting Pumpkin and his brother Moustachio. The two are now inseparable.

While Pumpkin does have a mild case of cerebellar hypoplasia that affects the part of the brain that controls motor skills and makes him somewhat clumsy at times, Stoddard says one thing that’s never been affected by his disorder is the cat's personality.

“He is so curious, charming, adventurous, and so very intuitive,” Stoddard says. While his health condition can impact his coordination and depth perception, it hasn't affected his lust for life.

That means frequent adventures with his favorite humans. Despite the cat's initial hesitancy, Pumpkin has been back to the beach many times since the infamous windy day. Stoddard says he's enjoyed his additional visits, and the photos from those pleasant, wind-free trips have definitely changed from his grumpy, grimacing look of days gone by!

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tabby cat running on white beach
tabby cat running on white beach Credit: Courtesy of Jody VanNorden Photography

If you're considering taking your feline friend with you on a day trip to the beach (or the park, or your friend's house, or anywhere really), be sure to read up on how to keep your cat safe outdoors. Consider microchipping your cat and invest in a sturdy collar with ID tags in case he slips away from you. And always, ALWAYS, stay up to date on preventative treatments and vaccines to help protect against parasites and other illness.

Since most of us are stuck at home dreaming of beach days and warmer weather, follow along with Pumpkin’s adventures on Facebook and Instagram. Just one final request: If you had to choose one version of Pumpkin you are today, which one would it be? Let us know by sending a message to us on Instagram via @dailypawsmag.

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