
Is Your Dog Emotionally Scarred?


In this Article

  • Signs of PTSD in Dogs
  • Treating PTSD
  • Other Emotional Problems in Dogs
  • Managing Your Dog’s Fears

You may have heard about posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in people, but did you know dogs can get it, too? It happens when a dog is exposed to some kind of trauma. They won’t get this because you whacked them on the snout that time they chewed up a pillow. But they might develop PTSD because of:

  • A natural disaster, like a hurricane
  • Being abandoned to live in the wild
  • The loss of their caretaker
  • Military combat
  • Physical or emotional abuse
  • A serious accident
  • Bad interactions with other animals (think dog fighting)

Signs of PTSD in Dogs

It isn’t always easy to tell the difference between PTSD and other anxiety disorders in dogs. For example, these can be signs of PTSD and separation anxiety:

  • Peeing or pooping in the house
  • Howling, barking, or whining
  • Destructive behavior

Or a dog with PTSD might show these signs of stress:

  • Tucked tail
  • Pinned back ears
  • Panting
  • Crouches low to the ground

Other clues your dog could have PTSD:

  • They cling to you in fear
  • Sudden aggression
  • Depression
  • Hyperawareness of their surroundings

Anything you know about their history with bad experiences can help your vet make the right diagnosis.

Treating PTSD

A type of behavioral training called systemic desensitization is common for dogs with PTSD. It exposes your dog to whatever it is that brings on their anxiety or fear. If noise is the trigger, your dog will hear the noise very quietly at first and get a treat for good behavior. The noise will slowly get louder and the treats will keep coming, as long as they stay calm. The goal is to get your dog to associate the trigger with treats, not trauma. 

Other important parts of PTSD treatment include daily exercise, play sessions, and positive reinforcement training.

Training could take weeks or years. It may not cure the PTSD, but it could help your dog live a healthy, happy life, so long as you limit their exposure to the things that trigger a stressful episode.

Other Emotional Problems in Dogs

Even a dog who hasn’t lived through major trauma can still have fears that cause anxiety or aggression. Some of the most common are:

  • Thunder
  • Fireworks
  • Children
  • Men
  • Riding in cars
  • Going down stairs
  • Shadows

Some dogs are naturally fearful. But most act out because of something that did or didn’t happen to them when they were young. It could be living through a storm or just a lack of exposure to people.  Just because a dog doesn’t have PTSD doesn’t mean their behavior isn’t difficult for the owner and potentially dangerous to others.

Managing Your Dog’s Fears

What should you do once your dog starts to act with fear or aggression? Hint: It isn’t the same as what you do with kids. Don’t offer comfort, like soothing words, pets, or kisses. These things don’t let your dog know that everything is going to be OK. Instead, they tell them it’s OK to act afraid or aggressive. That means their behavior isn’t likely to change.

The best way to work through fear and anxiety? Ignore the problem and do something else with them. If they are barking at a worker in your house, calmly clip on the leash and start practicing commands with treats. Remember — you’re the leader of the pack. Your actions teach your dog when it’s time to worry and when it isn’t. 

Show Sources

The DDoc Foundation: “What is Canine Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?”

IVC Journal: “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Dogs.”

American Kennel Club: “Dogs and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.”

Psychology Today: “Why Are Some Dogs So Anxious and Fearful?”

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